Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7328 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Okay peeps in actual fact muslims don't wish eachother "Happy Islamic New Year!" beacuse the year starts out with tragedy. Anyone looking for information regarding this can visit this very creditable website.
Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7328 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Aww thank you all for such a nice welcome! I'm feeling all warm and fuzy inside.
You can call me anything you like (with the exception of bunny/rabbit/hare -> eeek lol ) Jia is what most of my friends call me, both onlines buddies and real life pals, and as for Chand - well who wouldn't like to be called that! ^.^
You all have such brilliant logos and cool pics to go with them. I will have to find out how to have my very own. Of course if anyone wanted to give me a few tips on uploading the images I would be more than grateful! (hint-hint-nudge-nudge)